I’ve decided to change how I post videos online.

For a a couple of years now, I’ve been recording my weekend motorcycle rides. I would typically post these on Facebook for my family and friends to see. This has worked out very well. Facebook seems to handle the videos relatively well and doesn’t appear to complain about the size or the storage. They do a bit to downgrade the resolution, I believe. But that is OK.

Lately, I’ve been looking into other options for hosting the videos. I’ve primarily been exploring Peertube. Peertube is an open source, self-hosted “version” of YouTube that is connected to the FediVerse.

I checked out some Peertube instances and they look good. Very similar to YouTube. Definitely the route I am going to proceed with. Setting up Peertube does not appear to be too difficult. But doing it properly will take some time. I have to install the underlying server, the database, scale the server and storage, setup a CDN to handle the download traffic, hook it up to an ActivePub feed, blacklist some other ActivePub servers with “objectionable” content or behaviors, and then secure the whole thing.

In the interim while I get that all setup, I’ll start hosting my videos on YouTube. This will get my viewers used to watching the videos on an external host and make the transition smoother and allow me to also post them here on this blog.

This weekend should be my first postings hosted outside of Facebook. Let’s see how it goes.

Author: Brendhan

TTRPG, motorcycling, and space enthusiast living in an outpost in the Mojave desert. Follow me on Mastodon - @obryanb@dice.camp Follow my blog posts in your favorite Fediverse application by following - @obryanb@www.obryan-net.com Follow me on Bluesky - @obryan-net.com

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